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Oneonthehillhomes about

Oneonthehill homes, a new concept of hospitality in Langhe

Oneonthehillhomes is a branch of Oneonthehill and was born out of the need to bring a new concept of hospitality in the Langhe region: our focus is on the idea of Community. You are not just finding a place that is comfortable, you are finding a home that you’ll remember and want to go back because not only you have loved it but also because you’ve had the best experiences of your life and have met who’s behind all of this.

Send us an email, we would love to know what brings you in Langhe and we’ll do our best to help you find the perfect place and experience for you and your group.


Who we are

Hello, this is Pier and Chiara, your Wine Country experts and Sommelier.

After some years in California, we decided to return to Langhe to showcase the beauty of our countryside and home. For us, it is all about great stories and unforgettable flavors.

Charming accommodations , authentic experiences, to live Piemonte like a local and a Wine Club, shipping our selection of hand-crafted, small production wines worldwide.

Oneonthehillhomes about